Saturday, July 24, 2010

Angel Wings Art Gallery Open today

Hey, We went to Bele Chere yesterday and it was such a BUMMER, we decided time spent in the studio/gallery was better served. So, Angel Wings Art Gallery is opened 07-24-2010 from 10-4:30. Stop on by and check out the excellent art of Cathy & David Krafcik.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bele Chere

Come see us at Bele Chere in downtown Asheville W.N.C. this Friday & Saturday. We will be at 21 Wall St. The Gallery will be closed this Saturday, re-open next Saturday and as always Mon-Fri by appointment call 828-284-6482 of e-mail for more details.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Angel Wings Art Gallery Directions

That's our stick man and sign holder Mr. Hemlock Wood. He will show you the way to the gallery. Located on the corner of route 80 and Upper Browns Creek Road and Kaesler Lane in Celo. His new sign will read Angel Wings Art Gallery. Directions from Burnsville ; go east on 19/23 until you see the sign for Micaville Loop and Mt. Mitchell. go right until you come to route 80 and head south for 4 miles until you see the Celo sign and the next right is Upper Browns creek Road. Go west , towards Celo Knob until you see Kaesler Lane. Take the Lane until you see another Gallery sign and go through the gate up to the house and gallery. From Blue Ridge Parkway Mile Marker 344 get off the parkway and head to Burnsville. Go about 10 miles until you see Mr. Wood or Upper Browns Creek Road turn on U.B.C.R and go until Kaesler Lane and follow the signs. See you there.

Brew Off Award Winning

That's me and the lovely Mrs. at the Justeconomics Brew Off. Our beer "Celo Coriander Citrus Wheat Beer" won three, count em', Awards. The "Tony Kiss Award", "Celebrity Choice Award", and the "Peoples Choice Award". We went to push out glass engraving business and ended up with Award winning beer. Cooool...